Can Lamb And Lion Tango? Investigating Nigeria’s Practice of Public Administration and Peculiar Challenges from Structural Functional Theory
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There is a gap in scholarly literature that has yet to be filled by scholars regarding the practice of public administration, challenges, and viable policy roadmaps for urgent governance situations in Nigeria. Anchored on functionalism, this study specifically examined the historical, phenomenological, and philosophical investigation of Nigeria's practice of public administration, the challenges of Nigeria's public administration, and how the politics-administration dichotomy influences Nigeria's practice of public administration. The type of data sought established the study through the qualitative method. Data were collected through primary and secondary means, and content analysis was performed. Drawing from interviews with professional administrators, this study revealed how corruption, godfatherism, irresponsible and irresponsive leadership, poverty, and procedural violations troubled public administration. Also, Nigeria’s public administration is characterized by a politics-administration dichotomy with its negative inputs and resultant effects. Due to the pervasive effect of these challenges, the country is not a developmental state and lacks appropriate governance structures that can usher in sustainable development (SD). Nigeria should be made a developmental state through robust development policies and effective implementation by responsive political leadership and administrative practices devoid of corruption, godfather politics, and procedural violations.
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