Assessing the Effectiveness of Government Communication on Public Policy in Ghana: The Case of Planting for Food and Jobs Policy

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Daniel Odoom
Eric Opoku Mensah
Festus Annor Frempong
Christopher Dick-Sagoe
Lawrencia Agyepong


This paper examined the effectiveness of government communication on public policy in Ghana using the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) policy as a case. Data was obtained from 412 inhabitants from the Western Region who responded to a set of questionnaires and a structured interview guide. Means, standard deviation, Mann-Whitney U-test, and Kruskal Wallis test were employed for data analysis. The study established that though respondents perceived the PFJ policy as highly relevant to job creation and food production, the overall effect of the policy on job creation was low. No significant differences existed in the views of male and female respondents regarding the perceived effect of the policy on job creation and food production. Government communication strategies to promote awareness, public dialogue, shared understanding, and public support towards the policy were all perceived as moderately effective. However, government communication activities to explain the policy details to the public, mobilize citizens and communities to support the policy, and promote positive behavior change for the policy were perceived as lowly effective by the respondents despite the differences in their ethnic backgrounds. Government press releases and press conferences on the progress of the policy were lowly effective. Though government communication at the implementation stage of the policy was effective, it was generally ineffective during the formulation, monitoring, and evaluation stages of the policy. Measures suggested to sustain the policy include increased commitment from state authorities, increased participation by all stakeholders, improved communication on the policy, grassroots ownership, and de-politicization of the policy.


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How to Cite
Daniel Odoom, Eric Opoku Mensah, Festus Annor Frempong, Christopher Dick-Sagoe, & Lawrencia Agyepong. (2023). Assessing the Effectiveness of Government Communication on Public Policy in Ghana: The Case of Planting for Food and Jobs Policy. PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development (PJGD), 4(2), 122-148.
Research-based/ Original Articles
Author Biographies

Daniel Odoom, University of Media, Arts and Communication (UniMAC GIJ Campus), Accra, Ghana

Daniel Odoom (Ph.D.) is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Media, Arts and Communication (Institute of Journalism Campus). He is an expert in development communication and development studies.

Eric Opoku Mensah, University of Media, Arts and Communication (UniMAC GIJ Campus), Accra, Ghana

Eric Opoku Mensah (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Studies. He is the Acting Rector of the Institute of Journalism, University of Media, Arts and Communication.

Festus Annor Frempong, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana

Festus Annor-Frempong (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He trains graduate and undergraduate students in agricultural extension and education, project management, monitoring and evaluation, and organizational management.

Christopher Dick-Sagoe, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana

Christopher Dick-Sagoe (Ph.D.) is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Botswana, Botswana. Christopher's research focuses on efficiently delivering decentralized services such as healthcare, education, and water and sanitation.

Lawrencia Agyepong, University of Media, Arts and Communication (UniMAC GIJ Campus), Accra, Ghana

Lawrencia Agyepong (Ph.D.) is a Lecturer at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Media, Arts and Communication (Institute of Journalism Campus). She is currently the Head of Department and manages teaching, training, and research at the department.


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