The Tragedy of the African National Congress (ANC) and its Cadre Deployment Policy: Ramifications for Municipal Stability, Corruption and Service Deliver
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The much-anticipated shift from apartheid to democratic rule in 1994 brought much jubilation in Africa and globally. South Africa had entered a terrain where a democratically elected party governed it in the African National Congress (ANC). Looking to alter the apartheid policies of the erstwhile National Party (NP), the ANC came into power with no formal experience of governing a state. However, since Nelson Mandela to the current Ramaphosa administration has made some strides in development and economic growth blueprints in South Africa's relatively young 28-year democratic history. As a form of government closer to the people, municipalities are seen as a fundamental area of government besides others, including poverty alleviation, employment creation, and service delivery. However, in the past two decades, the ANC has taken center stage in its cadre deployment policy, resulting in an upsurge in corruption, lack of service delivery, poor performance, and a relative decline in its hegemonic political power. This article examines the link between cadre deployment, municipal stability, corruption, and service delivery. The article shows that cadre deployment has not benefited individuals at the grass-root level because of incompetent individuals, lack of qualifications, corruption, tender greed, comrade beneficiary, and lack of managerial vision at the local government level.
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