Analysis of Economic Structural Transformation and Leading Sectors in Bali, Indonesia
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This research aims to analyze the shifts in the economy's structure and the leading sectors used as economic prospects in the developmental sector other than tourism in Bali. The study of theories and concepts used includes the theory of economic growth. The data were analyzed using economic sector contribution techniques (Location Quotient), GRM (Growth Ratio Model), and Overlay Analysis. The results show a shift in the economy's structure from the primary to the tertiary sector. The leading sectors in Bali are transportation and warehousing; provision of accommodation and food and beverages; information and communication; financial and insurance services; real estate; education services; health services and social activities; and other services. The government needs to develop a base sector to encourage economic movements and create a multiplier effect. This research is expected to be an input for the government in the form of policy advice in preparing regional development plans and policies.
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