Effect of Human Factors on Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs): The Case of Hawassa City, SNRS, Ethiopia
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This paper discusses the effects of human factors on RTAs in Hawassa city. The research intended to attain two specific objectives - first, to examine the human errors that obstruct road traffic safety, and second, to the significant human factors contributing to road traffic accidents (RTAs). The research has used qualitative and quantitative approaches to provide a variety of perspectives that can be studied. Simple descriptive analyses (mean, standard deviation, and percentage) using tables, graphs, and figures were conducted to analyze human factors' effect on road traffic accidents (RTAs) in the study area. Road traffic safety and improper utility and road use are considered factors affecting road traffic safety. The statistical analysis and result revealed that independent variables (speedy driving, drunken driving, distracted driving, road users neglecting) have a moderate correlation. However, they have a moderate, strong, and very strong relationship to the dependent variable, i.e., road traffic safety. In order to identify the main human factor contributing to road traffic accidents (RTAs), an analysis carried out by multiple linear regression analysis discovered four factors (independent variables) that significantly increase the risk of road traffic accidents (RTAs). Therefore, human factors have been identified to account for the occurrence of road traffic accidents (RTAs).
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