Professionalizing Public Administration and the Impact of Performance Audit on Public Organizations in Tanzania
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This article examines the impact of performance audits on public organizations in Tanzania using the Tanzania Public Service College as a case study. The study subscribes to an interpretive research paradigm, which allowed for adopting a qualitative approach to understand participants' perceptions thoroughly. Documentary findings from audit reports between 2010-2017 have collaborated with 32 interviews from the respondents who participated in the auditing process over the study period. The study findings are linked to the independent factors identified in the literature on the quality of the information in audit reports and the impact of audit investigations. The article concludes that the impact of performance audits depends on whether auditees agree with recommendations. Notably, the article argues that fundamental changes can be realized in the presence of strong internal control systems. The role of collaboration and trust, parliament, media, and auditors’ expertise in ensuring the impact of performance audits were also highlighted. Finally, theoretical and practical recommendations are drawn, and study limitations and areas for future research are highlighted.
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