Fufiilee Heddummina Maqaa Barumsa Afaan Oromoo Keessatti Maleenyaa Xinqooqa Hujootiin Rakkoo Addaan Baasuufi Furmaata Barbaaduu

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Addunyaa Barkeessaa


The objectives of this paper are identifying problems related to parsing and using the noun plural markers in teaching Afaan Oromoo, and suggesting solutions for the problems. To attain the objectives, qualitative research methodology is employed. Sources of the data required for the research are MA research papers, the currently used Afaan Oromoo textbooks for Grade 9-12, and reference books that serve for the grades. The data collected from the selected sources through document analysis was categorized and analyzed qualitatively. The results of the analysis show that the basic problem related to noun plural markers in teaching Afaan Oromoo are inadequate description and inappropriate parsing of the markers. As a solution for the problems, the noun plural markers of the language were scientifically parsed and adequately described using empirical data from the language. Deletion, insertion and identifying the difference between morphemes and allomorphs are the phonological and the morphological rules employed in the description. As a result of the scientific description, the regularly used plural markes in Afaan Oromo, in a formal context, are identified as {-n, -an, -lee, -olii, -ii, -oota fi -faa}. These regular plural markers are attached to nouns based on the types of the terminal vowels and the consonants existing on the root/base of the words in the language. The paper also recommends that the Oromo Language Standardization Committee needs to be responsibled for the problems related to the inconsistent use of the plural markers.


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How to Cite
Barkeessaa, A. (2018). Fufiilee Heddummina Maqaa Barumsa Afaan Oromoo Keessatti. Gadaa Journal, 1(2), 01-23. Retrieved from https://ejhs.ju.edu.et/index.php/gadaa/article/view/565
Author Biography

Addunyaa Barkeessaa, Addis Ababa University

Addunyaa Barkeessaa
Yuunivarsiitii Addis Ababaa
Imeelii: barkiikoo2011@gmail.com