ICT as Policy Fashion or Really it Worth in Public Sectors to Ensure Good Governance?
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The contemporary world is under a prudent development revolution. The 20 th century was
marked as information era and 21 st is the era of knowledge where Information Communication
Technology for Development (ICT4D) confluence dramatically interlinked with interplay
knowledge as an avenue of eco-friendly smart living society formation and fast-forwards to
public sector reforms. This article tried to answer “Is digital government is a policy fashion or
really it worth measurable effects on good governance to public sector organizations”.
Reference was made on evidence collected from Federal Document Authentication and
Registration Agency (DARA) of Ethiopia. The study applied a quantitative research approach
using multiple linear regression models analysis to test the proposed hypothesis. The study found
that successful E-government implementation has a significant effect on improving and
promoting good-governance 3 in public sectors. E-government implementation enhances public
sectors capacities to ensure equality and fairness in public service delivery, improves
accountability and transparency of experts and/officials. Maladministration in public sectors
significantly decreases as digital platform usability increases, digital public service delivery
eases to access information, and customers/citizens get informed about service requirements
earlier. Furthermore, E-government enables public sectors to get connected with
customers/citizens and they actively involved in policy decision-making processes.