The study tries to examine the impacts of foreign exchange reserve on the economic growth of Ethiopia from 1981 to 2020 (40 Years) by using Ordinary least square (OLS) technique. Ordinary Least squares regression is used to predict the behavior of depen Study on impacts of foreign exchange reserve on the economic growth of Ethiopia from 1981 to 2020 (40 Years)

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Leta Sera Sera
Tibebu Wodajo


The study tries to examine the impacts of foreign exchange reserve on the economic growth of
Ethiopia from 1981 to 2020 (40 Years) by using Ordinary least square (OLS) technique.
Ordinary Least squares regression is used to predict the behavior of dependent variables: - Real
GDP and with relationship between Independent variables: Foreign Exchange Reserve, Foreign
Exchange rate, Money Supply, Capital Formation, Export and Import. The data were collected
from National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) and Ministry of finance and economic development
(MoFED) to analyze the foreign exchange reserve on the economic growth of Ethiopia. To test
for the properties of time series, Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillip-Perron test used to
determine the stationarity of the variables and the study used Johansen Co-integration test
employed to determine the order of integration while Vector Error Correction model (VECM)
was employed to determine the speed of adjustment to equilibrium. The findings suggest that
Foreign Exchange Reserve, Gross Capital Formation, Real Exchange Rate and import has
positive and significant long run relationship between economic growths in Ethiopia. Broad
Money supply and Export also showed a negative relationship in long run impact, but the impact
is statistically significant on economic growth. The result further shows a long run relationship
between Foreign Exchange Reserves and economic growth in Ethiopia for the period under
review. Therefore, emphasis should be place on accumulating Foreign Exchange Reserves in
Ethiopia, as this will accelerate growth and development in Ethiopia economy.

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