Formulating the Key Aspects of the Human Right to Adequate Housing: The Scenario under African Human Rights System
These days, one may observe great disparities in the formulation of the
key aspects of the human right to adequate housing under universal and
regional human rights systems. In particular, the sum totality of the
disparities in African human rights system led to differences in
definition, interpretation, realization and a lack of adequate housing for
the majority of urban population in the region. The article argues that
there is a normative gap in the African human rights system when
compared to universal and other regional human rights systems in
formulating the key aspects of the human right to adequate housing. The
article concludes that the African human rights system does not properly
set the key aspects of the human right to adequate housing even though
it adopted the three in one approach, when compared to the universal
and other regional human rights systems which do not adopt the same