Risk Factors and Implications of Road Traffic Accidents in Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinnee, Ethiopia

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Yetimgeta Shiferaw Woldeamanuel
Dejene Gemechu Chala
Nega Jibat Gemede


Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is a serious problem in Ethiopia in general and Oromia in particular. This article deals with the risk factors and implications of road traffic accidents (RTAs) in Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. The study was exploratory, cross-sectional, descriptive in its design, and qualitative in its approach. We (researchers) used interview and observation to collect data. We organized 24 interviews and two FGDs with traffic police, transport authority experts, health experts, and social affairs experts, drivers, and administrative organs. We used case analysis of victims of road traffic accidents. The findings of the study show that failure to give priority to pedestrians, to drive over speed, to estimate poor distance between vehicles in motion, and to drive while taking drugs/drinking alcohol were the major behavioral risk factors. Further, poor road quality and improper use of the roads were the major roads and environmental factors. Poor mechanical services, poor safety equipment, and inappropriate use of them were among vehicle-related factors. There were also gaps in rules and regulations on road safety. The system of offering driving licenses was untrustworthy, and the system of controlling drivers was weak. The finding also shows that the major socio-economic implications of RTAs are negative health effects, family breakdown, economic dependency, and difficulties to develop coping strategies. We concluded that multifaceted and interconnected environmental, mechanical, behavioral, and legal factors have contributed to RTAs in the study area. Finally, we gave recommendations based on the findings.

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How to Cite
Shiferaw , Y., Gemechu , D., & Jibat , N. (2020). Risk Factors and Implications of Road Traffic Accidents in Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinnee, Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS), 7(1), 49-65. Retrieved from https://ejhs.ju.edu.et/index.php/ejssls/article/view/4772