Genotype x Environment Interaction and Stability Analysis of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Northern part of Ethiopia
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The study was conducted to assess genotypes and delineate environments to refine recommendationdomain. Genotype–environment interaction (GE), helps to know the presence of GE i.e. differentialgenotype responses in different environments, complicates cultivar evaluation in turn the stabilityanalysis indicate the stable genotypes across environments. The sum square of G x environmentinteraction was partitioned by AMMI model into two significant interaction principal componentaxes (IPCA).Genotypes based on seed yield Akaki, ICC-V91022, ICC-V 91014, and ICC-V 92006 bestperform at Inewari-2, Adet-2, Inewari -1 and sirinka-2 and Sirinka -1 respectively.GGE biplotdepicted the presence of three mega environments among the test environments used for evaluationof genotypes. Where Inewari -2 and Adet -2 were exceptional environments for seed yield and therest environments cluster together. Besides, hundred seed weight explained PC1 and PCA2 about59.3 and 40.7%. There was positive correlation among environments except Inewari-3 and Sirinka-3where ICC-V 89303 and ILL-2872 perform well. Pattern analysis has assisted in analyzing theChickpea testing environments leading to the identification of the existence of three and two mega-environment clusters for seed yield and hundred seed weight respectively. Thus applying Biplot andbreeding view present in the breeding Management system tool (BMS) assist in cultivarrecommendation and identifying target environments.