Grain and starch properties of six durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum Desf) varieties grown at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia
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Six durum wheat grain varieties grown under uniform conditions at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia
were evaluated. The kernel size (mm), length (KL), thickness (KT) and width (KW) were
ranged from 7.20 to 7.69, 2.76 to 3.16 and 2.94 to 3.02, respectively. Amylose content
ranged from Boohai (23.4%) to Cocorit 71 (25.0%). The highest Falling number (FN, sec.)
was associated with Tob 66 (285.1) and lowest was for Cocorit 71 (258.8). High FN is
associated with low alpha-amylase activities of good pasta making potential. In this regard
Tob, Ude and Kilinto are performed better. The wheat flour starches pasting temperature
(Ti) varied form 64.5 to 66.7 O C. The apparent peak viscosity (PV, BU) ranged between
Kilinto (492.7) and Cocorit 71 (359.3). Lowest hot paste viscosity (HPV, BU), i.e. minimum
viscosity during high temperature holding was for Cocorit 71 (288.3) and highest was for
Tob 66 (397.3). The paste breakdown viscosity (BV) (PV-HPV, BU) varied between Cocorit
71 (70.7) and Kilinto (108.0). The lowest cold paste viscosity (CPV) was for Cocorit 71
(448.0) and highest was for Tob 66 (545.3). The setback paste viscosity (SBV), (CPV-HPV,
BU) varied between Yerer (137.7) and Ude (162.3). Cocorit 71 had higher SBV than Yerer.
Shear breakdown resistance are strong in Cocorit 71, Yerer and Tob 66. Amylose content
and starch pasting curves indicates no amylo- and waxy starch traits in the varieties. Thus,
the varieties are expected to have normal extrusion features in the pasta making with
desirable quality of cooked pasta with subtle variations among themselves.