Influence of Pulsing Biocides and Preservative Solution Treatment on the Vase Life of Cut Rose (Rosa hybrida L.) Varieties
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Currently, the cut flower industry in Ethiopia is facing an increasing total fresh loss of about
20% due to poor postharvest handling. Cut flowers need to last longer in a vase or flower
arrangement with their aesthetic qualities, fragrance and appearance maintained in order to
get consumer’s acceptance. Therefore, this study was conducted to develop possibilities of
extending vase life of cut rose flowers in Ethiopia. Pulsing solutions comprising biocides (1g
Al 2 (SO4) 3 l -1 , 0.4 ml HQSl -1 , 0.6 ml NaOCll -1 , 0.6g Ca(ClO) 2 l -1 ), 10 g l -1 long life, distilled water
and tap water as control on the vase life of rose (Rosa hybrid L.) cut flower varieties - Red
Calipso, Akito, and Viva were evaluated under laboratory conditions at Ziway Sher Ethiopia.
Treatments were arranged in 7x3 factorial combinations of pulsing solutions and varieties in a
completely randomized design (CRD) with four replications. Results showed that maximum
vase life of 15.50 and 15.08 days were obtained from cut flower stems pulsed in NaOCL1 -1 and
HQS, respectively. The minimum vase life of 13.25 and 13 days were obtained from cut
flower stems pulsed in AL 2 (SO4) 3 and tap water, respectively. AL 2 (SO4) 3 which has been the
most commonly used biocide by most Ethiopian cut flower growers was found not effective
as compared to the other biocides in the present study. NaOCL1 -1 and HQS as pulsing
biocides on extending the vase life of cut flowers could be considered as alternatives to
AL 2 (SO4) 3 currently on use in most of the cut flower industry in Ethiopia.