Livelihood Diversification among Artisanal Fishery Households in North-Central and North-Western Nigeria
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The earnings from non-farm activities are increasingly becoming important back-up income for most ruralhouseholds in many developing countries. The study estimates the determinants of livelihood diversification amongartisanal fisherfolks in North-central and North-western Nigeria. Primary data were collected from 267 fisheryhousehold heads through field survey with the aid of pre tested questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed usingSimpson Index of Diversification (SID) and censored Tobit regression model. Although both activities wereimportant sources of income for all the fishery households sampled, fishing activities were the most important sourceof income (57.3%) which is in tandem with a priori expectation. Result showed that majority of the rural fisheryhouseholds who seek for off- and non-fish activities used the proceeds to remedied food and basic items (40%) orpurchase fishery inputs (22.1%) for their primary occupation. The determinants of livelihood diversification revealedthat adjusted household size, capital expenditure and canoe owned were the significant factors that influenced boththe share of fishery income and level of diversification (SID). However the influence was not by same coefficients,magnitude, and structure but virtually in the same direction. Artisanal fishery households should form a formidablesocial organization to benefit from economy of bulk purchase of fish inputs and access to modern fishing techniques.The rural labour force must also find a way to improve their incomes in rural areas such as farming by irrigationactivities aquaculture and livestock rearing. However, in interim, it is recommended that the non-fishery activitiesshould also be developed among fisher folks households to cater for rural households that are left fallowed duringoff-fish season.