Prevalence and Intensity of Mango ( Mangifera indica L.) Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum Species in South-western of Ethiopia
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Mango (Mangifera indica L.) anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum spp. is considered asthe most important mango disease in the humid tropics. The disease widely occurs insome parts of Ethiopia that has characteristically tropical humid weather condition.However, in southwest Ethiopia the prevalence and intensity of the disease is notsufficiently studied. In the study the prevalence, incidence and severity of the diseasewas assessed in some humid parts of Ethiopia. The study was conducted during the 2013to 2014 production seasons by sampling a total of 36 plots in 9 locations in south westEthiopia. The sampling method for location and plot selection was purposive samplingusing a predetermined criterion, while mango trees were randomly sampled within aplot. Disease incidence and severity on mango trees were measured on leaves, paniclesand fruits. The disease is prevalent in all locations and plots assessed. However, diseaseincidence and severity of mango anthracnose varied significant (p < 0.05) across thelocations. The mean incidence of the disease on leaves, panicles and immature fruits was76%, 71% and 68%, respectively, while the mean disease severity was 49%, 47%, and41%, respectively. Seka-Chokorsa area had the highest mean disease incidence (90%) andseverity (61%), while Gura-Ferda had the least mean disease incidence (39%) andseverity (24%). Generally, the mean mango anthracnose incidence and severity were 71%and 45.7%, respectively, in the studied areas. The disease was influenced by rainfall,altitudinal gradient and temperature. The study revealed that mango orchards insouthwest Ethiopia are under mango anthracnose disease pressure suggesting the needfor appropriate management practices.