Perception of Small Livestock Keepers onthe Effect of Climate Related Risks and Household Food Security: The Case of Mana and Sekoru Woredas, Jimma Zone
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Climate change is among the top global challenges affecting food security in the 21st century Ethiopia is heavily dependent on rain-fed agriculture, and highly vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate change. The objective of this study is to explore the perception of small livestock keepers on climate change and its influence on food security. cross sectional data was collected from 127 randomly selected small livestock keepers in south western Ethiopia. Descriptive and binomial logistic regressions were used for data analysis. The study revealed that 45.7% households are food insecure. About 96.8% and 95.2% respondents respectively believe that climate is changing, and global warming is happening as has been observed from local temperature rising. Over 70% farmers faced drought and shortage of rainfall and 58.7% very worried about the future due to climate related shocks. In spite of such worry, about 57.3% reported that there has been much less adaptation responses towards climate change. Households led by female and educated heads, who received credit and participated in non-farm employment are food insecure. But, ccess to market information significantly improves household food security. Frequency of drought and rising temperature did not have an adverse effect on household food security. While, shortage of rain, water scarcity and livestock death reduce the likelihood of being food secure. We suggest that adaptation strategies to enhance availability of water and rainfall have to be prioritized to ensure food security and sustainable smallholder livestock systems.