Effects of Vermicompost and NPS Fertilizer rate on Yield and Yield Components of Highland Maize in Vertisol Ambo
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Integrated soil fertility management using organic and inorganic fertilizer is recognized as absolute soil fertility management aims to increase yield, a better option in improving agronomic efficiency, providing a more balanced supply of nutrients and saving cost of production. Considering importance integrated soil fertility management for crop production an experiment comprised of eleven sole and integrated nutrient management practices was conducted on smallholder farmers field around Ambo for highland maize in laid in a randomized block experimental design with three replications. Yield and yield components of highland maize variety (Wenchi) was significantly affected with sole and integrated use of vermicompost and NPS fertilizer rate. Significantly higher (6187 kg ha-1) was obtained with application of 92/69/30 kg NPS ha-1 followed by (5193 kg ha-1) with 50:50 vermicompost based on N equivalency and NPS fertilizer rate. Application of 92/69/30 kg NPS ha-1 gave the highest net return of EB 32265 with highest marginal rate return of 713 % followed by net return of EB 27167 and marginal rate return of 295 % for highland maize production was obtained from application of 50:50 % recommended NPS with vermicompost based on N equivalency in Vertisols of Ambo. Therefore application of 92/69/30 kg NPS ha-1 and 50:50 % recommended NPS with vermicompost based on N equivalency produced better grain yield and economical feasible and recommended for highland maize production in Vertisol of Ambo and similar agro-ecologies.